Province du Cap oriental

Bridge Christian Community


Visitez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux

Chefs d'église

Neil & Noeleen Trollip

Administrateur de l'église

Natalie Steyn

Nous contacter


École primaire Greenwood
Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape

Heures de service

Lun, Mar, Jeu
Ven - Sam

Église du Christ de Mthatha

Chefs d'église

Bonani & Ntombi Zuma

Administrateur de l'église

Banise Ndarana

Nous contacter


École moyenne anglaise du Bon Pasteur
Old Transdor Road, Mthatha

Heures de service

Lun, Mar, Jeu
Ven - Sam

Faits sur les pays

Capitales: Le Cap, Pretoria, Bloemfontein

Indicatif téléphonique: +27

Devise: Rand sud-africain ZAR

Langue officielle: anglais

Nouvelles d'Afrique du Sud

21 août, 2023
Dr Mark Ottenweller recently led a remarkable, diverse group consisting of empty nesters and retired individuals from the US, known as the Visions & Dreams team to teach and serve in the Johannesburg church. The team of volunteers conducted parenting and grief recovery workshops for members of the church and then served in HOPE worldwide South Africa's early childhood development programme.
par Disciples Today 27 févr., 2023
Asanda Njobeni is a marine biologist, hiker, and a disciple of Jesus. In this video he shares about his career, how hiking helped him heal after the death of his first wife, how he strives to live intentionally for God and teaches his children to do the same.
par Vida Li Sik 28 août, 2022
As we applaud all who ran in the 2022 Comrades Marathon between Pietermaritizburg and Durban, we asked a few members of our church to share spiritual lessons they’ve gleaned from participating in what's known as “The Ultimate Human Endurance”. This ultra-marathon stretches over 89.9km and alternates between an "up" and "down" race between the two cities. Not all who entered started, and not everyone who ran finished the race. It is no different in the spiritual race towards heaven. That's why it's important to know what it takes to make it to the end in a race.
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